This recipe is from my sweet friend Aprille. This is a perfect soup for the fall time!!
1T chili powder
1T chopped fresh garlic
1/2 tsp cumin
4 C chicken broth
1 can black beans with the liquid
1 15oz can pumpkin
1 C frozen corn
3/4 C salsa
4 or 5 chicken breast or a rotisserie chicken
You can cook this two ways. Simmer frozen chicken in the chicken broth for a few hours, then shredded it,and add the rest of the ingredients and heat on low for a few hours to let the spices sink in. Or just add a rotisserie chicken with all the ingredients and let simmer for a few hours.
Serve with chips, sour cream, cheese, avocado, cilantro
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago