OK, so if you are like me and like to check out other blogs,
but never leave a comment here's your chance. I want you
to try this blog Challenge! I'm totally curious about who visits
this blog whether I know you or not. :) I'm asking every person
who visits this blog (today, tomorrow, next week, in a month...),
to "post a comment". I don't care if you: don't know me at all or
know me and leave regular comments already. It will be fun to
see just how many comments we can get here, and who visits.
Also, let me know what you think of this recipe blog. What is your
favorite recipe on this blog? What type of recipes would you like
to see on the blog?
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Hi! I love your little blog! It's way fun, I'm always looking for new recipes! I don't think I could pick a favorite, they are ALL great!! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
whoa, another hoLLy. i thought i was the only one:) i love your blog and i love being a contributor! its been so fun to get new, easy, and delicious recipes! i've almost tried them all and they have all been awesome!
Hi! I love your blog. I visit it regularly. I haven't tried any of your recipes yet but look forward to trying some soon. I personally would like to see more main dish recipes.
I love your blog and think all the recipes are great. I agree with the other Jennifer that just posted... more main dishes would be great for me. Thanks for all the great ideas!
Love the Blog! I have even told others about it, and have noticed that several of them have you on their blog as a link!!!
I visit, and love getting new ideas! Thanks!!
I check in pretty much every day. Good stuff! I find a lot of keepers but I agree with Holly #1 - I couldn't pick a favorite. It just depends on my mood, I think.
I am a friend of Ms. O'Keefe and I check in regularly for new ideas. I love it when they have pictures... I am very visual I guess. I don't think I could pick a favorite - so many have been so good.
I'll take the challenge. I was just browsing for some food blogs. Being married for 2 years with my 6 week old baby I'm looking for simple cheap and of course delicious recipes.
I love this blog it has a lot of great recipes!
I found this blog though Mrs. Milks and think it's great. I like the recipes because they have been tried and are good. I don't have a favorite either because I am just excited to have new recipes.
Well I know you because you're married to my cousin... so I guess I count as a relative.
I love this blog - I am always checking for good ideas. The fact of the matter is I do very little cooking. So busy with the business and kids. but I love ideas that have only a few ingredients, SIMPLE and/or that kids can help with. I know your kids are almost exactly the same age as mine, so I figure if you can make it with yours, I can make it with mine. I don't have time for much else, if at all. That, or stuff that can get thrown in the crock pot and sit all day.
I love most any recipe that covers meat and/or pasta in cheese! Or any/all of the fruity (not chocolate) desserts. I'm weird that way. :)
Hey! I check your blog pretty often too...and I'm not even sure of the connection anymore, I think I found you through a friend's blog and was enticed to keep checking back in due to all your great and easy recipes! Thanks so much...my family thanks you!
I happened upon your blog through a cousin's blog, I am always up for new recipes so thank you for doing this!
I don't think you know me, and I'm not sure how I got to your blog, I'm sure I clicked on a link somewhere. But I love all these recipes!!! And now I have it saved in my favorites. I check it often.
it's my first time here, my friend gayle found you and sent me here. i'm mostly interested in main dish recipes as i participate in a weekly family supper swap but the other recipes sound/look too good to pass up too! thanks!
I love your recipes. I found you through a friends blog. I would love to see some healthy-kid friendly recipes if you have them. I also love photos of the food. My daughter is not a big fan of meat/chicken. Do you have main dishes that don't have meat/chicken in them? I am going to try the new betty crocker strawberry dessert for my mom's birthday. That looks great!
I love your blog too! Thanks for keeping it going. i'm not very good about posting recipes, but I love trying the new ones I get from here!
I found you through a friends blog and love the recipes! I am putting together a little collection of recipes and some of my favorite sites for recipes as a gift for 2 of my cousins who are getting married and your blog is one of my fav links
I love to check other blogs when I have a little down time. I came upon this one today. I love anything that shares recipes. I'm alsways looking for new things to try. I'll let you know after I try some what I think. Thanks for sharing!
You and I have never met. In fact, I stumbled onto your blog by complete accident. However, you inspire me! I absolutely love the idea of doing a recipe blog and will try some of your recipes. If you don't mind, I am going to save your blog address as one of my favorites!
Just followed a link from my nieces blog, but I marked you as a favorite so I can visit you more!
I love the blog it's great to have a new source for cooking ideas!
I actually was sent to this site by my friend Cinda who's made a few posts!
I am new to checking this blog out. You have lots of great recipes that I plan on trying. I am in a cooking rut right now and need some good new ideas. I really like the posts with pictures so I know if I have made it right when i am done :)
just found your blog too, my sister in law used to make those jello popcorn balls all.the.time!
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